To Be a professional Nurse in the World
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011
Komunikasi Terapeutik
A. Pengertian Komunikasi Terapeutik
Komunikasi terapeutik adalah komunikasi yang dilakukan yang dilakukan untuk tujuan terapi. Seorang perawat dapat membantu klien mengatasi masalah yang dihadapinya melalui komunikasi.
B. Tujuan Komunikasi Terapeutik
Komunikasi terapeutik bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pribadi klien kearah yang lebih positif.
C. Prinsip Dasar Komunikasi Terapeutik
Ada beberapa prinsip dasar yang harus dipahami dalam membangun dan mempertahankan hubungan yang terapeutik :
1. hubungan perawat dengan klien
adalah hubungan terapeutik yang saling menguntungkan (prefosional).
2. perawat harus menghargai keunikan klien
3. semua komunikasi yang dilakukan harus dapat menjaga harga diri pemberi maupun penerima pesan.
4. komunikasi yang menciptakan tumbuhnya hubungan saling percaya.
D. Komunikasi Sesuai Tumbuh Kembang Anak
Menurut Whaley dan Wong’s (1995), teknik komunikasi kreatif pada anak yaitu teknik verbal dan teknik non verbal.
1. Komunikasi dengan Bayi
a. Belum dapat mengekspresikan perasaan dan pikirannya dengan kata-kata, sehingga bahasa nonverbal sering digunakan.
b. Mengungkapkan kebutuhan dengan tingkah laku dan bersuara yang bapat diinterpretasikan oleh orang sekitar
Untuk bayi yang masih muda (usia < 6 bulan)
a. Merespon positif terhadap kontak fisik yang lembut
b. Perilaku menggerak-gerakan tangan, kaki, menendang yang merupakan rangsangan untuk memperoleh perhatian.
Untuk bayi yang lebih tua (umur > 6 bulan)
a. Cemas dengan orang asing yang belum dikenalnya, merupakan ciri perilaku yang sering muncul.
b. Perhatiannya berpusat pada diri dan ibunya.
c. Perhatikan saat berkomunikasi dengannya
d. Lakukan komunikasi terlebih dahulu dengan ibunga dan atau mainan didekatnya
e. Kerjakan dengan lembut
f. Tanpa gerak isyarat
g. Bayi dalam pengawasan orang tia
h. Berikan obyek yang aman
Tujuan berkomunikasi pada bayi
Memberi rasa aman kepada bayi
Memenuhi kebutuhan bayi akan kasih saying
Melatih bayi mengembangkan kemampuan bicara, mendengar, dan menerima rangsangan
2. Komunikasi Dengan Anak Balita
(Batita/usia bermain/toddler dan prasekolah)
a. Komunikasi verbal belum efektif, karena memeng belum fasih dalam berbicara.
b. Gunakan kata-kata sederhana, singkat, yang dikenal oleh anak karena anak hanya dapat menerima informasi secara harfiah.
c. Sangat egosentris, hanya melihat sesuatu berpusat pada dirinya (kominikasi berpusat pada dirinya).
d. Sering berpilaku mendorong tangan pemeriksa dan menangis pada saat pemeriksa mendekatinya.
e. Anak belum mampu memahami abstraksi, maka gunakanlah istilah-istilah yang pendek dan konkrit.
f. Kenalkan alat-alat yang akan digunakan, termasuk juga dengan cara kerjanya.
g. Beri pujian untuk hal-hal yang dicapai.
h. Gunakan obyek yang menyenangkan.
i. Lakukan kontrak waktu dengan pasien dan keluarga, kapan tindakan akan dilakukan.
j. Beri kesempatan memegang alatkhususnya untuk anak Prasekolah (dengan melihat keadaan anak, sampai bagaimana alat tersebut akan digunakan.
Tujuan komunikasi pada masa prasekolah
Melatih keterampilan penggunaan panca indra
Meningkatkan keterampilan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor
Sebagai bentuk pembelajaran dan permainan dalam melakukan hubungan dengan orang lain
Mengembangkan konsep diri
3. Komunikasi Dengan Anak Usia Sekolah
a. Anak Usia 5-8 tahun
Bila menemui masalah hanya percaya terhadap apa yang mereka lihat dan yang mereka ketahui tanpa memerlukan penjelasan secara mendalam.
Anak tertarik pada aspek fungsional dari semua prosedur, objek dan aktivitas, mengapa, bagaimana, untuk apa prosedur tersebut dilakukan.
Melihat hal tersebut, perlu menjelaskan setiap prosedur yang akan dilakukan.
Kalau perlu dengan alat yang ada peragakan cara penggunaannya, serta sebutkan fungsi peralatan yang ada.
Anak usia tersebut, sangat memperhatikan keutuhan tubuhnya, oleh karena itu mereka peka terhadap sesuatu yang mengancam atau menyakitkan tubuhnya, sehingga beri pendekatan yang positif.
b. Anak Usia 8 – 12 tahun
Anak sudah mampu berfikir secara konkrit, sehingga komunikasi lebih mudah dilakukan, misalnya dengan memberi contoh melakukan injeksi pada boneka.
Hubungan dengan petugas biasanya terjalin baik, sehingga pengalaman masa lalu bisa diandalkan
Berdekatan dengan perawat akan lebih tenang karena sudah mengenal dengan baik.
Rabu, 21 September 2011
How to be professional Nurse?
To be professional nurse, some body must be reading, reading reading and reading about nurse science. Stage to be a professional nurse is not easy but need a continuity study hard, study to gether with other professional health care.
Jumat, 25 Juli 2008
University-Industry-Government Collaboration in Indonesia
Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro
Director General of Higher Education
Ministry of National Education, Indonesia
Director General of Higher Education
Ministry of National Education, Indonesia
Challenges and Responsibility in Higher Education
•To drive nation’s competitiveness
•As a healthy organization
•Need structural adjustment in the existing system : quality, access & equity, autonomy
•Education that effectively link to student needs, develops students’ intellectual capability to become responsible citizens, and contributes to the nation’s competitiveness
•Research and graduate programs serving as the incubators for the development of the capabilities to foster an adaptable, sustainable, knowledge-based economy; and integrating state of the art technology to maximize accessibility to and applicability of advanced knowledge
•Research and graduate programs serving as the incubators for the development of the capabilities to foster an adaptable, sustainable, knowledge-based economy; and integrating state of the art technology to maximize accessibility to and applicability of advanced knowledge
•A system contributing to the development of a democratic, civilized, inclusive society, meets the criteria of accountability as well as responsibility to the public
•Comprehensive financial structure nourishing participation of stakeholders
•Comprehensive financial structure nourishing participation of stakeholders
Access and Equity
A system that provides opportunities for all citizens to a seamless learning process, inspiring and enabling individuals to develop to the highest potential levels throughout life, so that he/she can grow intellectually and emotionally, be well equipped for work, and contribute effectively to society, as well as achieve personal fulfillment
•Decentralizing the authority from the central government and providing more autonomy that is coupled with accountability to institutions
•Legal infrastructure, financing structure, and management processes that encourage innovation, efficiency, and excellence
•Legal infrastructure, financing structure, and management processes that encourage innovation, efficiency, and excellence
•Collaboration should be based on mutual benefit and equal partnership
•Bottom-up approach
•Based on equal recognition and equal standard
•In compliance with the institutional mission
•Bottom-up approach
•Based on equal recognition and equal standard
•In compliance with the institutional mission
Collaboration Format
•Joint management program
•Twinning program
•Double degree program
•Joint research
•Exchange of students and faculty members
•Credit earning activities & credit transfer
•Joint publication
•Resource sharing
•Joint seminar/conference
•Assistance & supervision
•Community development
•Capacity building
Note : collaboration should be conducted with reputable institution
•Twinning program
•Double degree program
•Joint research
•Exchange of students and faculty members
•Credit earning activities & credit transfer
•Joint publication
•Resource sharing
•Joint seminar/conference
•Assistance & supervision
•Community development
•Capacity building
Note : collaboration should be conducted with reputable institution
Joint Management Program
•Establishment of an institution
•Institutional development
•Development of monitoring and evaluation system
•Total quality management
•Management information system
Staff Exchange
•Institutional development
•Development of monitoring and evaluation system
•Total quality management
•Management information system
Staff Exchange
•Master degree holders (at least)
•Expert and competent
•Minimum of 5 years experience
•Fluent in English
•Expert and competent
•Minimum of 5 years experience
•Fluent in English
Industry Collaboration
•Based on mutual benefit
•University provides experts and industry provides technology & facilities
•Co-op program
•Internship program
•Joint research and development program
•Scholarships and assistantships
•University provides experts and industry provides technology & facilities
•Co-op program
•Internship program
•Joint research and development program
•Scholarships and assistantships
•Benefit for the university : updating the state of the art in science & technology ; promotion of entrepreneurial program ; improvement of relevance
•Benefit for the industry : cost-effective in R&D ; recruit the appropriate graduates ; maintain employee quality through continuous training
•Benefit for the industry : cost-effective in R&D ; recruit the appropriate graduates ; maintain employee quality through continuous training
Research Awards (related to technology transfer)
•Research award for junior staff
•Basic research award
•Collaborative research award
•Competitive research award
•Research award for graduate program
•University-industry strategic research award
•Basic research award
•Collaborative research award
•Competitive research award
•Research award for graduate program
•University-industry strategic research award
Community Development Program (related to technology transfer)
•Technology application
•Industrial and service enterprise unit
•Community empowerment
•Industrial and service enterprise unit
•Community empowerment
University-Industry Strategic Research (2005)
•High productivity transgenik cane through fitalase gen transfer from bacteria (IPB)
•Multimedia E-kiosk for community information service (ITB)
•Development of village access unit at multimedia ICT networking for tropical area (ITS)
•Development of biofloculan product as new material for industrial liquid waste treatment (UPI)
•Development of biodiesel technology (ITB)
Industrial and Service Enterprise Unit (2002 – 2006)
•Processing of Intellectual Property Right, dissemination of scientific publications and application of technology (ITB)
•Design consultancy (ITS)
•Dentistry laboratory service (USU)
•Industrial electronic module development (ITB)
•High quality plantation extract industry (ITB)
•Agro-industry (Brawijaya)
•Design consultancy (ITS)
•Dentistry laboratory service (USU)
•Industrial electronic module development (ITB)
•High quality plantation extract industry (ITB)
•Agro-industry (Brawijaya)
Academic Standard Agreement
•Based on mutual recognition and respect
•Competence based recognition
•The fact is that each country will have its own academic standard and system
•Existing agreement (e.g) : Washington Accord ; Bologna Declaration
•Standard of higher education depends on the standard of secondary education
•Competence based recognition
•The fact is that each country will have its own academic standard and system
•Existing agreement (e.g) : Washington Accord ; Bologna Declaration
•Standard of higher education depends on the standard of secondary education
Establishment of ‘foreign’ institutions
•Should comply with the existing regulation
•Jointly owned and managed by Indonesian and foreign institutions
•Treated as a private higher education institution
•Bilingual; hybrid curriculum; international standard
•Jointly owned and managed by Indonesian and foreign institutions
•Treated as a private higher education institution
•Bilingual; hybrid curriculum; international standard
Higher Education Long Term Strategy
•Preparing future leaders and citizens for a highly interdependent world requires a higher education system where internationalization promotes cultural diversity, and fosters intercultural understanding, respect and tolerance among peoples
•Financial incentive to establish international exchange program
•Financial incentive to establish international exchange program
Expectations from developed countries
•Qualified and competent experts
•Research fund
•Knowledge and access to knowledge
•Research experiences
•Database and access to database
•Research fund
•Knowledge and access to knowledge
•Research experiences
•Database and access to database
Contributions from developing countries
•Experts for local and specific cases
•Limited counterpart budget or in-kind contributions
•Access to knowledge, database and research venue/facilities for local and specific cases
•Experiences in handling local and specific issues/cases
•Uniqueness (e.g. species, biodiversity, culture heritage etc)
•Limited counterpart budget or in-kind contributions
•Access to knowledge, database and research venue/facilities for local and specific cases
•Experiences in handling local and specific issues/cases
•Uniqueness (e.g. species, biodiversity, culture heritage etc)
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